
Smithsonian Institute presents: Crossroads

"Change in Rural America”

June 21 - July 26, 2025
Bandera is one of only seven Texas Cities chosen to host the Smithsonian traveling exhibit Crossroads: Changes in Rural America. The focus of the exhibit is to takes a close look at the evolution of rural America in the last century.

'In 1900, about 40% of Americans lived in rural areas, By 2010, less than 18% of the U.S. population lived in rural areas. In just over a century, massive economic and social changes led to massive growth of America's urban areas. Yet, less than 10% of the U.S. landmass is considered urban.

Many Americans assume that rural communities are endangered and hanging on by a thread—suffering from outmigration, ailing schools, and overused land. But that perception is far from true in many areas. Many rural Americans work hard to sustain their communities.

Explore these themes and more by visiting the traveling exhibit, "Crossroads: Change in Rural America."

In addition to the Smithsonian exhibit, visitors can experience Bandera's unique Cowboy culture and come to understand why County Judge Richard Evans says "The Only Thing That Changes is the Date" in the last century through programs, exhibits, and meeting its citizens.

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